Mahindra has now announced that the Marazzo MPV will launch on 3rd of September with bookings commencing soon. Mahindra has been teasing several images revealing various design highlights, the latest teaser has revealed the interior fully thus showcasing the seat layout and space on offer.
The Marazzo will feature 7 and 8 seater variants; the 7 seater variant gets captain seats in the second row, while the 8-seater makes use of a bench seat. Access to the last row is granted by flipping forward the second row in both seating options. However boot space is marginal with all seats up but can be increased by folding the 60:40 split foldable split seats.
Mahindra had earlier revealed the dashboard of the MPV which gets a T shape design for the centre console and uses piano black for the top and beige for the lower half separated by faux aluminium. A closer look at the image also showcases the centre console mounted gearlever.
The Shark inspired MPV, has been designed and developed in close relation with Mahindra’s North American technical centre; the Marazzo has also involved the company’s Italian design firm Pinifarnia who have worked hard to make the MPV a good looking car.
When launched, the Marazzo will sport brand new 1.5 litre diesel engine and will only be available in a six speed manual gearbox initially. Safety kit that will make it onboard will include Anti-lock braking system (ABS), Electronic brake force distribution (EBD, Airbags and rear parking sensors.
The company also announced that the Marazzo will be sold alongside the Xylo and co-exist in terms of sales.